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Help, My 8, 9, 10 Month Old Is Waking Up At All Hours Of The Night
Is your 8-month old waking up at night crying? This may be a new normal for you and you really want it to stop. I get it. Your friend may be caught in the middle of your baby’s 8-month sleep regression.
Don’t wait any longer, get your baby back on their routine, and find out why and how you can help them pass this sleep regression.
Ready to get more sleep for yourself and your baby. Let’s dive right in.
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What Is A Sleep Regression?
Asleep regression is characterized by a time period where your baby (who used to sleep well) starts waking up constantly throughout the night and refuses or fights naps and bedtime.
How Long Is The 8 Month Sleep Regression?
A normal sleep regression period time frame is anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks.
The 8, 9, 10-month sleep regression can last anywhere from a few days to a month. This sleep regression is considered an easier sleep regression than its other regression members (4, 12, 18 months).
Can 8 Month Sleep Regression Start At 7,9, or 10 Months?
The reason this 8 month or 9-month sleep regression is considered the easier sleep regression is because the baby is going through some developmental changes that can occur during this time but has now probably gone through the 4-month sleep regression (which is said to be the hardest one).
If your baby shows certain milestones earlier than the norm they may hit the sleep regression at 7 months. This does not mean that your baby is developing incorrectly if they do not go through a sleep regression or if they have the sleep regression at 10 months.
It only means that each baby develops differently and some will go through these periods of refusing to sleep while (the lucky ones) will skip it altogether.
If your baby was not a good sleeper in the previous months (4,5,6,7) the issue may not be sleep regression and could be a routine or bad sleeping habits issue.
What To Look For When Identifying Sleep Regression In The 8th Month
Maybe you aren’t sure if it is sleep regression for your 8-month-old or 9 months old, 10 months old. If you have already ruled out teething, fever, or sickness here are a few things to look for to determine if it is sleep regression.
- Irritability when waking
- Fussy
- Refusing naps
- Fighting the third nap
- Short naps
- Constant wakings
- Only wants to sleep with mom or dad
Why Does Baby Get Sleep Regression At This Age?
A baby will go through different sleep regressions throughout their childhood life. Most common is the 4-month sleep regression as well as the 12, and 18 months sleep regression. What they all have in common is that baby is growing and learning something new.
Here are a few of the reasons that an 8,9,10-month-old is going through a sleep regression.
- Mental Developments
- Physical Milestones
- Nap Transitioning
Mental Developments
Your 8-month-old is learning a lot these days. From categorizing to object permanence your little one has a lot of neurons firing making new connections in the world.
Because they are now aware that objects are still in place even when they can’t see them. They may develop sleep separation anxiety at 8, 9, 10 months.
This will cause the baby to cry or wake up constantly to make sure mom or dad are still where they last saw them.
What You Can Do About It
- Practice Peek-A-Boo – if you’ve already been doing this game then you are on the right track, if you haven’t practiced the game no worries start now in the day time.
- this will show baby that even when they can’t see you, you are still there.
- Leave baby with a trusted person for 30-45 minutes to show them you always come back even if you leave
- Make your goodbyes short and sweet – don’t drag it out and be emotional this will put your baby in an emotional state as well
- Make sure baby’s needs are met before you leave – clean diaper, feed, happy mood. This will make leaving a little easier for both parents and baby.
Physical Milestones
Not only are they learning new things they are physically accomplishing and learning as well.
Things like crawling, sitting up, standing, and even scooting or taking a step. Because they are doing so much more activities they do not want to take a nap or go to sleep. They want to keep practicing their sweet sweet skills.
What You Can Do About It
- Practice with baby during the day
- Promote active time by helping baby play
- Be present when they are being active
Nap Transitioning
If your little one has 3 naps right now and they are struggling and fighting you during these 3 naps. It may be the time to reduce the 3 naps into a 2 nap ordeal.
By doing this transition baby is sleeping less during the day and more at night. Meaning the baby should start to go to bed at an earlier time.
Maybe your baby automatically dropped that 3rd nap and is having issues sleeping at night.
It is because of the changes in their sleep pattern that they are having the sleep regression.
If the baby didn’t drop that third nap – it could be that they are sleeping too long during the day. Try to get them to drop that third nap and see if that works for you.
What You Can Do About It
- Remove the 3rd nap if they are still napping 3x a day
- Make both naps earlier in the day
- Naps should be around same amount of time each
What Should An 8 Month Sleep Schedule Look Like?

- Awake Time: 7:00-9:30 AM
- First Nap Time: 9:30-11:00 AM
- Awake Time: 11:15 – 1:00 PM
- Second Nap Time: 1:15 – 3:15 PM
- Awake Time: 3:15-7:30 PM
- Bed Time: 7:30/8:00 PM
If you follow this simple schedule, adjust it to fit your family and lifestyle and work-life schedule and you will find that it is easier than thought to be.
Tips You Can Try Now To Help Pass The Sleep Regression During 8, 9, 10 Months
Take these tips and help understand the way your baby is sleeping and how you can help them survive these sleep regressions. Now and eventually if they get another one (let’s cross our fingers and hope not)
1. Don’t Assume It’s Teething / Fever
Sometimes when your baby stops sleeping through the night (if they were before) you start to wonder if it’s teething or if they have a fever, tummy ache.
Once you have ruled out these issues then you can assume that they are going through a growth milestone and they are indeed in a sleep regression period.
2. Keep Your Routine (or adjust it)
If you have been following a routine to help baby get to sleep that involves good sleep habits you are on the right path and should continue to keep doing your routine even though the sleep regression.
Right now it may feel like you need to do things like co-sleep because that’s the only way that baby seems to fall asleep – if you weren’t doing it before, don’t start now.
Because your baby is in an age of growth they may associate these new sleeping habits and continue to need them after the regression.
Keep doing your routine if you have one if you haven’t got a routine down. Starting with one that has good sleep habits can increase the likely hood of baby self-soothing and sleeping easier.
Please ask yourself this: Can baby self-sooth and go back to sleep? Be honest with yourself.
If the answer is no, you may have to go back and deal with this issue before you can start a routine and help baby pass this sleep regression.
3. Keep A Calm Environment
It is frustrating and tiring having a baby who is waking up constantly. That means YOU are waking up constantly.
Your baby can feel the change in temperaments when you feel anxious and frustrated they too will start to feel this way. Making it harder for both of you to fall asleep.
Take a few deep breathes, tell yourself this is temporary. They will get back to sleep even if it does take a month. At least you know that you will get sleep soon.
4. Talk To Your Partner
Talk to your partner about this. If you are doing the research; your partner may not know that baby is waking up because they are going through a time of growth and it is part of the growing process.
Tell them what they should expect and to also help you keep a calm environment.
5. Distraction Free Zone
When a baby is taking a nap or going to bed make sure that the area around them is free of distractions.
That means:
- Dark room (or darker than normal)
- No tv / cell phone
- No toys in the crib / sleeping area
- Try turning on a white noise machine
By keeping the distractions to a minimum you are helping the baby associate good sleeping patterns. It will also help them in terms of a routine. If they see that the distractions like the tv and lights are going off, they will associate it with going to bed.
How Do You Know When The Sleep Regression Is Over?
When a baby is back to sleeping the way they were before or even better that is when you know that the sleep regression has finally passed. It may take a few days or even up to a month for your baby to go back and be adjusted to a sleep schedule they can follow.
In Conclusion
Now that you’ve gone through this post you have a few ideas that you can start doing right away to help your baby get through this sleep regression.
Let’s recap and see how you can start helping your baby get back to sleep.
- Keep your routine up (or start a routine)
- Keep calm and the environment distraction free
- Talk to your partner to know what to expect
- Relax this is only temporary
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8-9-10 Month Sleep Regression: How To Survive It
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