How To Pee Postpartum After Having A Catheter

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Pee Burning Postpartum After Catheter

If you are expecting your baby or you already gave birth and you’re looking for ways to stop the pee burning postpartum sensation, then this is your post right here on how to pee postpartum after having a catheter placed.

In three easy steps that you can try to implement right now, you can have some relief going pee after giving birth.

This will be especially helpful if you are still expecting (step two is one you will want to really know)

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Why You May Have A Catheter During Labor

If you had a c-section delivery (or are planning on having a scheduled c-section) you will have had a catheter placed to drain your urine while in surgery.

If you had medications like epidural anesthesia a catheter was also placed to drain your urine because you’re movements are restricted and you may not feel the urge to pee.

So no matter how you give birth vaginal or via c-section you have a catheter placed meaning you want to now pee without having a burning sensation and pee comfortably after possibly receiving stitches.

Is It Normal To Pee A Lot Or Not At All After Having A Catheter Placed After Birth?

Yes, it is completely normal for both to occur. After you give birth your nurse will check your pee output (after they have removed the catheter) to make sure that your pee levels are normal.

Peeing a lot and not being able to control when you pee comes out is a sign of incontinence after birth.

How To Pee Comfortably After Giving Birth With A Catheter

Step 1: Sitting / Standing

The first thing you want to try before even doing anything else.

  • Try sitting with your butt all the way towards the end of the toilet
  • Bring your body as down as you can
  • Have your arms almost touching the ground

Your butt will be in the air and then the pee will flow down and not go towards any stitches or your perineum.

I know for a lot of moms that had c-sections this may not be easy to do (you just had major abdominal surgery I so get it).

If you did have a c-section what you can do is:

  • Go into your shower
  • Pee standing up

If shower-peeing is not your thing and you want to use your toilet (been there I know) You can try this instead:

  • Try sitting with your butt all the way towards the end of the toilet
  • Bring your body down as much as you can manage
  • Use a bathroom stool to give your body support
  • Your bum will be slightly in the air in this method.

What you want to do is avoid your pee touching anything else on your body.

You might find that doing just this step alone will completely remove the pain or burning feeling you had while going pee.

Related: How Much Blood Will I Bleed The First Ten Days Postpartum?

Step 2: The Peri-Bottle

The second thing you want to try is using the peri-bottle each and every time you finish going to the restroom.

Not sure what a peri-bottle is? your use will give you one after you have a baby. You can see what they look like here.

If you have more than one restroom in your home I highly suggest you buy the 3 pack of peri-bottles to keep one in each restroom and your diaper bag when you are on the go.

The peri-bottle helps remove blood (and blood clots) and avoids you having to fully wipe or hurt any stitches you may have had.

It’s important that you use it those first few days postpartum when your postpartum bleeding is at its heaviest.

If that doesn’t help or ease your pain then you’ll want to try tip number three (which is my personal saving grace).

Step 3: Perineal Spray

This perineal spray helps numb your perineum and cools down your lady parts.

I kept mine in the refrigerator and took it out each time I went to the restroom. I used it often multiple times a day and it provided soooo much relief.

Tips For Using The Perineal Spray

  • After using peri-bottle – spray your perineum with perineal spray
  • After your perineum has been sprayed – spray your pad lightly with the perineal spray
  • Use it going to the restroom and showering to help heal and cool down your vagina and perineum.

That’s it the super easy 3 method system to making sure your first pee (and the pee’s following that one) are pain and burning sensation-free.

This 3 step method works great because more and more women are having c-section and getting epidurals, so knowing how to pee postpartum after having a catheter is a great way to prepare for life postpartum during the fourth trimester.

If you have any tips for how to pee without wanting to cry each time let me know in the comments below!

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How To Pee Postpartum After Having Had A Catheter

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Rosaura is the mom blogger who helps first time pregnant and postpartum moms find the solutions to their everyday problems. From first finding out you're pregnant to giving birth and baby care, she has you covered.