Short Maternity Leave: 8 Things You Need To Do

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Maternity Leave Hacks For The Mom With A Short Term Maternity

If you are wondering what to do on a short maternity leave, if you need a maternity leave daily routine or even productive things to do on a maternity leave. These hacks will help pass the time on maternity leave.

Are you ready to have a fun, productive maternity leave?

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Before going any further I have to let you know that you can grab your free copy of my most popular checklist: The Maternity Leave Checklist. Just sign up below.

How Much Will I Get Paid On Maternity Leave?

I highly suggest you go to this Maternity Leave post and learn everything about the behind the scenes of maternity leave. From which states pay, to how to apply and get FMLA leave in your state + a list of questions to ask your HR people.

What To Do On Maternity Leave Before Baby?

A lot of working moms will go on maternity leave by week 36 in this time frame they are wondering what to do before baby arrives.

I went into full detail in this post all about nesting and preparing your home before baby arrives.

What To Do On Maternity Leave

Besides the normal of maternity leave which is recovering from birth, accepting the new version of you, learning to breastfeed, and having a postpartum care kit in your bathroom.

These things are going to help you especially if you are going to have a short maternity leave.

1. Take Weekly – Monthly Baby Pictures

This is a total must do, especially if this is your first baby. You want to track those first few months with weekly milestone pictures.

You get to see the tremendous growth your little one goes through in just a few weeks. It is amazing.

This one will kill boredom during maternity leave!

2. The 3 Month Maternity Planner

Right now is the perfect time to start researching how you can afford maternity leave, what to ask HR and your boss and most importantly understand how you will heal and what you can do with baby while you are on leave.

Use our 3 Month Maternity Planner to figure all that out and more!

Go from scared on not knowing what to get ready for baby, to prepared and ready for labor and for the 3 month maternity leave.

3 Month Maternity Planner

3. Ask For Help From Family & Friends

Everyone needs help, you remember that saying “It takes a village” it sure as hell does. If anyone ever says “If you need anything just ask” take them up on it. No joke.

Here are a few great ideas you can ask friends or family to help you with:

  • Wash a load of dishes
  • Put a meal in the oven
  • Hold baby while you sleep
  • Feed baby (expressed milk or formula) while you nap
  • Take pictures of baby, change outfits while you nap
  • Ask them to sweep the house while you just cuddle with baby

Your postpartum or the fourth trimester as it is better known needs you to heal. Sleep can cure a lot of things Mama! Do not be embarrassed or ashamed to call your mom and ask her to stay with you for a few days while you adjust to motherhood.

It is hard but you can do it! If you can’t have outside help, consider asking your partner to extend vacation or paternity leave.

4. Get Dressed

This was my hardest challenge. I found myself in pajamas most days, and I felt like crap most days.

When you change into your ‘regular’ clothes you feel a little more like yourself. Instead of a tired, sleep deprived zombie mom.

And if you just don’t fit into your regular clothes try some of these transition statement pieces that welcome every new mom into motherhood.

5. Let The Messes Slide

I know this one may be hard for some, but I find it’s easier for me to clean up during nap time or at the end of the day when all the dirty clothes and dishes have already been used.

You might find that your breast pump needs a wash (again) and that you went through six shirts because you ran out of nipple pads, and you stained your mattress with that postpartum period.

Totally, fine, wait till you feel better to do some household chores.

After giving birth your body as well as your mind is recovering okay.

Related: How To Get Baby To Sleep (the best sleep advice ever)

Productive Things to do on Maternity Leave

6. Pay Bills In Advance / Auto Pay

If you can make a few extra payments that way when you are on maternity leave you don’t have to freak out that you forgot to pay insurance, or phone bill then DO IT!

When I went on maternity leave, we paid my insurance, and two extra car payments in advance. It was such a helpful thing to not have to worry about going in to pay a bill and just enjoy my baby.

If making extra payments is not in the cards try putting as much of your bills on auto pay. This way you can set and forget it. Things like:

  • Phone Bill
  • Credit Cards
  • Household bills if you could auto pay these items do it!


How to Plan & Have an Awesome Baby Shower with a Small Budget

The Ultimate Pregnancy Guide for First Time Moms

7. Schedule Date Nights (It’s A Must)

I know you just want to cuddle with baby, sleep, and relax but this is a great time to go on a date with hubby. So many of us forget that dad has needs too.

I don’t mean sexual needs (he can wait till you are ready for those) I mean emotional, caring needs. Dad needs some attention and your marriage will thank you for it.

This is the time you want to communicate with your spouse, let them know you still care even if all you talk about is how many times baby pooped today. Hold hands, make faces across the table, watch a movie and make out like you guys used to do.

You both deserve a date night, you both deserve some alone time and you both deserve the title of parent! Be gracious, thankful and happy.

Related: What to Expect With Your Relationship After Your First Baby

8. Set Up Your Daily Maternity Leave Routine For Home

Nothing is more relaxing than strapping that baby in the stroller or in your baby sling and going for a walk. It will get you out of the house, with some fresh air and some exercise. It will also help you burn extra calories that you may be carrying from pregnancy.

You can start slow and go around the block, then gradually increase the length and distance of the walk. Always carry a water bottle with you and wear protective head gear like a hat or sun glasses depending on the weather.

If you take baby with you make sure you carry a small backpack or pack up the stroller with things you may need if you go for a longer walk.

How to Set Up Your Daily Maternity Leave Routine

  • Sleep in – if your newborn let’s you – trust me they will wake up 4-8 times a night the first few weeks to eat. So sleep my darling.
  • Start the morning with a larger and healthy breakfast that is great for your milk supply (if you’re pumping or breastfeeding)
  • Shower (let someone hold baby – or you can try these hacks to shower WITH your newborn – once the umbilical cord falls off)
  • Go for a daily walk
  • Eat lunch – have a few meals on standby in your freezer – Get Ideas for Freezer Meals for Postpartum HERE
  • **In between all these things you will be doing this: breastfeeding / pumping / making formula bottles & changing diapers **
  • Do Tummy Time with Baby, check items off your Maternity Leave Checklist
  • Dinner
  • Attempt to put baby and yourself to sleep earlier than you need to!

9. Have Your Partner Take Paternity Leave

When a partner also takes time off to care for baby, the bond established between partners grows stronger. In some cases paternity leave could also be paid and a full 6 weeks. Most partners take 2 weeks off which is not enough time to bond and adapt to a new life with a newborn.

Not only is paternity leave a great way to help make the most out of your maternity leave. It might be one of the best ways to take advantage of maternity leave.

If your partner can make sure they take some time off whether it is paid paternity leave or vacation time this time in your life you really do need the love and support from those who care about you and baby.

That’s it 9 super simple ways your short maternity leave can be fun and easy and full of much needed rest.

Remember to take weekly pics of baby, get extra help from friends and family, go outside and get some sun, walk around and for the love of all things enjoy the messes and the spit up because those first few weeks and months are not easy.

What’s one thing you’ll be doing on maternity leave? Tell me in the comments below!

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what to do on maternity leave tips for new moms
what to do on maternity leave plus a free maternity leave checklist

Short Maternity Leave: 8 Things To Do

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Rosaura is the mom blogger who helps first time pregnant and postpartum moms find the solutions to their everyday problems. From first finding out you're pregnant to giving birth and baby care, she has you covered.