110+ Awesome Middle Names for Maeve

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Congratulations on picking the name Maevefor your baby. 

If you are searching on this, you might have once thought about whether or what to give as a middle name for Maeve

I understand how hard it can be to decide and agree on a name with your partner or even your parents. 

And you have come to the right place if you are considering giving little James a middle name. 

Middle names are more than just a way of distinguishing two people with the same first name. Middle names can be used to tell a story, honor a person, create stronger family bonding, and make your baby sound more intelligent and noble. 

We believe middle names can be important. We hope to give you more confidence behind your choice along with some ideas. That’s why we have curated a list of 120+ names that will inspire you to come up with unique middle names for Maeve

Let’s start with the history and meaning behind the name.

Find out why we have middle names

Check out Why We Have Middle Names

Meaning and Origin – What Does Maeve mean?

Maeve is a typical girl’s name of Irish origin meaning “She who intoxicates”, Maeve appeared in Irish mythology as the Queen of Connacht and the queen of the fairies. 

Maeve is a short and sweet name with a solid pronunciation that has become one of the most popular Irish names for girls.

Maeve is the 155th most popular name in 2021, according to Baby Center. The name Maeve is typically used for girls.

Let’s check out the CraftyMotherFather’s Selection of 110+ Great middle names for Maeve.

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100+ Best Middle Names for Maeve

25 Unique (Four-Syllable) Middle Names for Maeve

Below is a list of unique middle names that go well with Maeve with 4 syllables.

  1. Maeve Alicia – Of Spanish origin meaning “noble”
  2. Maeve Arizona – US-city inspired
  3. Maeve Analisa  –  “graced with God’s bounty”
  4. Maeve Belladonna – Of Italian origin meaning “nightshade, beautiful lady”
  5. Maeve Benicia – Of Spanish origin meaning “blessed one”
  6. Maeve Catarina – “pure”
  7. Maeve Domenica – Of Italian origin that means “belonging to God”
  8. Maeve Dorothea – “gift of God”
  9. Maeve Eliana – Of Hebrew origin meaning “God has answered”
  10. Maeve Evelina – “desired; or water, island”
  11. Maeve Floralia – Extra elegance to the name Maeve 
  12. Maeve Georgiana
  13. Maeve Gloriana – Of Latin origin meaning “glory”
  14. Maeve Gracielle – Another version of Grace “favor; blessing” 
  15. Maeve Horatia – ‘timekeeper”
  16. Maeve Hilaria – Of Latin origin meaning “cheerful; happy”
  17. Maeve Luciana – Of Spanish origin meaning “light”
  18. Maeve Magnolia – of Latin origin meaning “Magnol’s flower”
  19. Maeve Malaysia – Country inspired 
  20. Maeve Mikaela – Of Hebrew origin meaning “gift of God”
  21. Maeve Nicoletta – “victory of the people”
  22. Maeve Octavia – For eight-month born Aria
  23. Maeve Penelope – An elegant Greek name that means Weaver
  24. Maeve Seraphina
  25. AriaMaeve Veronica – “She who brings victory”

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25 One-Syllable Middle Names for Maeve

Below is a list of unique middle names that go well with Maeve with 1 syllable.

  1. Maeve Ash – An alternative to  Ashley
  2. Maeve Ann – “Favoured”
  3. Maeve Blythe – Of English origin meaning “happy; carefree”
  4. Maeve Blaire – “battlefield; plain”
  5. Maeve Clare – “Bright/Famous”
  6. Maeve Chase – Of French origin meaning “to hunt”
  7. Maeve Dove – “Peace”
  8. Maeve Dawn – “light, daybreak”
  9. Maeve Dream – Of American origin that means “Joyous Music”
  10. Maeve Faith – “to have faith”
  11. Maeve Gem
  12. Maeve Hope – Of English origin, signifies hope
  13. Maeve Love – the epitome of Love
  14. Maeve May – For the May-born Maeve
  15. Maeve Nell – of English origin meaning “bright, shining one”
  16. Maeve Pearl – Expresses Maeve as a “Precious” baby 
  17. Maeve Rhyl – Of Welsh origin meaning “light”
  18. Maeve Raine – “queen”
  19. Maeve Reese – “passion; enthusiasm”
  20. Maeve Shay – of Hebrew, Irish origin meaning “stately, gift”
  21. Maeve Sloane – Of Irish origin meaning “raider”
  22. Maeve Trace – Of American origin meaning “brave”
  23. Maeve Vogue – “popular; fashionable”
  24. Maeve Wren – Of English origin meaning “small bird”
  25. Maeve Will

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25 Two-Syllable Middle Names for Maeve

Below is a list of unique middle names that go well with Maeve with 2 syllables.

  1. Maeve Alma – Of Latin origin meaning “kind, nourishing”
  2. Maeve Bella – Short form for Annabella; Beautiful 
  3. Maeve Berry – “God’s protection”
  4. Maeve Camryn
  5. Maeve Callie – “Most beautiful”, further confirms Maeve’s beauty
  6. Maeve Caris – Of Welsh origin meaning “love; grace, kindness”
  7. Maeve Esme – “to esteem”
  8. Maeve Freya – “a noblewoman”
  9. Maeve Greta – of German origin meaning “pearl”
  10. Maeve Henley –  of English origin meaning “high meadow”
  11. Maeve Iris – “rainbow”
  12. Maeve Jolie – Inspired by Angelina Jolie 
  13. Maeve Kori – Of Greek origin meaning “maiden”
  14. Maeve Kathryn – Of Latin origin meaning “Pure, clear.”
  15. Maeve Laurette
  16. Maeve Lauren 
  17. Maeve Mia – “friendly, bright”
  18. Maeve Morgan – A warrior”/”A Champion”
  19. Maeve Nicole – Of Greek origin meaning “people of victory”
  20. Maeve Nora – “honor”
  21. Maeve Piper – of English, Romanian origin meaning “pipe or flute player”
  22. Maeve Reyna – Of Spanish origin that means Queen
  23. Maeve Roxanne
  24. Maeve Sasha – Of Greek origin meaning “defender, helper of mankind”
  25. Maeve Zoey – of Greek origin meaning “life”

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25 Three-Syllable Middle Names for Maeve 

Below is a list of unique middle names that go well with Maeve with 3 syllables.

  1. Maeve Armani – Fashion-inspired
  2. Maeve Alison – Of German origin meaning Nobility
  3. Maeve Belinda – “Beautiful” 
  4. Maeve Cassidy – “Clever”
  5. Maeve Dorothy – “Gift of God”
  6. Maeve Elena – “bright, shining light”
  7. Maeve Emily – An industrious person
  8. Maeve Fiona – “Pure”; “White”
  9. Maeve Gabrielle – of French origin meaning “God is my strength”
  10. Maeve Gillian – of Latin origin meaning “youthful”
  11. Maeve Harmony – Reinforces the peaceful nature of Maeve 
  12. Maeve Ivana – Of Slavic origin meaning “God is gracious”
  13. Maeve Juliet – of English origin meaning “Youthful, Downy”
  14. Maeve Katherine – of Greek origin meaning “pure”
  15. Maeve Melody
  16. Maeve Makenna 
  17. Maeve Matilda – Of English origin meaning “might and strength”
  18. Maeve Mackenzie – “comely” or “child of a wise leader”
  19. Maeve Naomi – “Delightful”
  20. Maeve Natalie – Of Latin origin meaning “birth of the Lord”
  21. Maeve Patience – Of English origin meaning “act of being patient”
  22. Maeve Samantha
  23. Maeve Sophia – “wisdom”
  24. Maeve Teresa – Of Spanish origin meaning “To harvest”
  25. Maeve Violet

15 Unique French Middle Names for  Maeve

Here are some French names for you if you want to add a French connection.

  1. Maeve Emilie
  2. Maeve Lisa
  3. Maeve MĂŠlanie
  4. Maeve Elodie
  5. Maeve Claire
  6. Maeve Inès
  7. Maeve Margaux
  8. Maeve Alice
  9. Maeve Elsa
  10. Maeve Lucile
  11. Maeve Laure
  12. Maeve SalomĂŠ
  13. Maeve Charlène
  14. Maeve Gaelle
  15. Maeve Helene

Nicknames for Maeve

Short names or nicknames you can use.

  1. Mae
  2. Mavie
  3. Mayvee
  4. May
  5. Mave
  6. Mvee
  7. Vee

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Foreign Spelling of Maeve

Here are different ways of spelling the name.

  1. Mēvi (Amharic)
  2. Meyv (Armenian)
  3. Mejv (Belarusian)
  4. MeÄ­v (Bulgarian)
  5. meiv (Georgian)
  6. Mēbu (Japanese)
  7. Maeebeu (Korean)
  8. Meyv (Ukrainian)
  9. Meiv (Mongolian)
  10. Meyv (Russian)

7 Reasons to Have a Middle Name for Baby Maeve

Three are a number of benefits for having middle names. 

#1. Special: an easy way to make them even more special.

#2. Traditional: the first to give your son or daughter a middle name. 

#3. Sound more pleasant between the baby’s first name and your last name. 

#4. Memory: remember someone, pay homage, or honor someone special. 

#5. Aspirational: with stories of a particular middle name

#6. Noble: The middle name concept probably started with the ruling class in Rome according to Times. It was a way to which family one comes from and, more importantly, why one matters.

#7. Smart: CNBC reported that people think people with middle names are more intelligent. Research also finds that it could help get a job. 

7 Ideas to Craft a Middle Name for Baby Maeve

1. Pay homage

2. Remember the heritage

3. Make it personal

4. Make it about value or belief

5. Check the sounds

6. Check the initials and acronyms for Maeve

7. Google the name: see if negative comes up 


  1. Maeve Brennan (1917 -1993) – was an Irish short story writer and journalist 
  2. Maeve Dermody – a UK-based Australian actress.
  3. Maeve Higgins – an Irish comedian from Cobh, County Cork, based in New York
  4. Maeve Geraldine Fort (1940 -2008) – was a British diplomat
  5. Maeve Kinkead – an American soap opera actress, writer, and poet

Sibling and Twin Names for Maeve

Baby Brother Names for Maeve

  • Mason (Alliteration)
  • Major (Alliteration)
  • Steve (Consonance)
  • Neve (Consonance)
  • Mate (Alliteration)

Baby Sister Names for Maeve

  • Mae (Alliteration)
  • Macie (Alliteration)
  • Macy (Alliteration)
  • Eve (Consonance)
  • Mary (Alliteration)
  • Maisy (Alliteration)

Bringing it All Together

That’s it. 

Over to you crafty mothers and fathers! We hope you enjoy our post. 

Tell us which ideas you like the most in the comment section. 

Share it with your partner or friends and ask their thoughts.

If you haven’t decided on your baby’s name, then check out these articles.

Photo of author
Shane is passionate about researching baby stuff for his baby girl. He worked for a premium brand consultancy. He runs the research on this site.